Hvorfor Nansen Neuroscience Network?
Oslo universitetssykehus er Norges største sykehus og har noen av landets fremste medisinske forskningsmiljøer. Medlemskap i Nansen Neuroscience Network gir oss tilgang til et nettverk av selskaper og andre aktører innen hjerneforskning og behandling av hjernesykdommer. Dette har resultert i konkrete samarbeid om forskningsprosjekter.
Sykehuset har et mål om å øke antallet kliniske behandlingsstudier. Arrangementer sammen med NNN har gitt deltakelse i nye kliniske studier sammen med legemiddelindustrien. Vi ønsker å videreutvikle dette samarbeidet og ser NNN som en viktig partner i årene som kommer.
Bilde: Prof. Mathias Toft, Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Nansen Neuroscience Network – Accelerating neuroscience innovation
Nansen Neuroscience Network is an innovation network based in Norway that creates partnerships between researchers, clinicians, patients, and life science companies.
How do we work to accelerate neuroscience innovation?
We converge neuroscience partnerships for the purpose of discovery, and translation of these discoveries into innovative diagnostic tools and treatments that improve the lives of those living with brain diseases.
How are we organized?
We are a non-profit, and public-private innovation network, that is funded by our members. Our members are Norway´s leading universities, university hospitals, neuroscience research groups, patient organisations and life science companies. We also welcome members from the Nordic countries.
What are our goals?
We aim to create a preferred Nordic hub connecting life science entrepreneurs, neuroscientists, clinicians, patients, and business community in order to accelerate innovation from neuroscience research. Our biopharma members shall have the ability to tap into the global R&D networks and support local entrepreneurs in gaining access to the worldwide market.
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